
I successfully used it on OpenWRT 8.09-brcm-2.4, Kubuntu 9.04-x64, Ubuntu 9.04-armel and Android-armel.

Command line switch help

root@OpenWrt:~# slugterm --help
  --help                show help message
  -k [ --keyboard ] arg keyboard event source
  -p [ --pid ] arg      USB product ID [4]
  -i [ --init ] arg     initialization sequence [58]
  -f [ --fpath ] arg    font
  -w [ --fwidth ] arg   font width for scalable fonts
  -h [ --fheight ] arg  font height for scalable fonts
  -c [ --commands ] arg command(s) to run in terminal
You can grab the initialization sequence for yourself from the Windows driver with an USB sniffer and tubecable_decrypt.c or use one of the DL_REG_MODE_* in tubecable.h. Some modes I captured:
Samsung U70800×480010300203c7ac9f26c48f97053ffff2127032091f3fffffff901e00102c819
Samsung 244T @ Lenovo 45K5296 (DL-195)1920×120001e200ca2115426c15f466c536ffff6c150780a335ffffffca04b004025078
Green House GH-USD16 (tubecable.h)1366×768016b00191e1fb09360407b36e82732ffff055603d9fffffca7030004029a42


root@OpenWrt:~# slugterm -k /dev/input/event0 -p 0103 -i 00203c7ac9f26c48f97053ffff2127032091f3fffffff901e00102c819 -f /usr/local/share/fonts/FON2FNT/dosapp_18.FNT -c "/bin/ash --login"

4D Systems OLED version

Sven Killig 2009