- Hardware
- Software
- gcc 4.1.2 as buildroot trunk compiler (with libboost, gcc 3.4.6 and OpenWRT 7.09 I got defined in discarded section while linking, with gcc 4.2.4 and OpenWRT trunk can't resolve symbol '_Unwind_GetIPInfo' at runtime if an exception happens)
- libstdcpp_4.1.2 package
- libboost_program_options-gcc41-mt-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 and libboost_thread-gcc41-mt-1_34_1.so.1.34.1 from the Boost C++ library package from BTG
- ROTE package [Raspbian Stretch; sudo apt-get install libncurses-dev]
- SlugTerm and my modifications [sudo apt-get install subversion libboost1.62-dev libboost-program-options1.62.dev libboost-thread1.62-dev; rm Ftdi.cc; TIME_UTC_; Makefile]
- 4D.* (based on this)
I successfully ran it on OpenWRT 7.07-mipsel, Kubuntu 8.10-x86 and Raspbian Stretch-armv7l.
Command line switch help
root@OpenWrt:~# ./slugterm
--help show help message
-k [ --keyboard ] arg specify keyboard event source
-d [ --device ] arg Serial device
-b [ --bps ] arg Bits per second
-f [ --font ] arg Font: 0:6x8, 1:8x8, 2:8x12, 3:12x16
-c [ --commands ] arg command(s) to run in terminal
root@OpenWrt:~# ./slugterm -k /dev/input/event0 -d /dev/tts/1 -b 230400 -f 0 -c /usr/local/bin/anygetty
DisplayLink version
Sven Killig 2008, 2011